The Story of Creation of Universe Part 7 creation of life
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It is obvious that creation of life is scientifically impossible; however we see this impossibility has taken place; Allah: people ask you what the soul is; tell them the soul is Allah’s ‘amr’/command; science is limited to ‘az’/from; any phenomenon that has no ‘az’/from in it, it is outside of science; life and soul are not derived from anything; therefore, we don’t know where they comes from; life and soul came to existence when Allah said ‘be’ and it came to existence; presently the scientists of the world have declared that life phenomenon is beyond the sphere of science; now they, after of a lot of trial and errors have learned that science can only deal with laws and formulas of physical world; as science cannot answer what Allah is, in the same manner it cannot explain the concept of Arabic ‘kon fa yakoon’/be and it came to existence;
science is incapable to answer these two questions; Koran indicates that the best condition for appearance of life was sludge and marshes; apparently it took millions of year to create tiny particles of life in the form of primary plant single cells; The first life phenomenon with all living things came from a bacterial particle And the all animals came to life from a single bacteria;exactly like the appearance of the universe, including all its galaxies and skies, came about from a tiny thing about 123 billion years ago when Allah decided to create it; by the same token, we can infer that at the beginning the universe was a very tiny thing; something the size of a pea or probably a little larger; this primary tiny sphere did not come ‘az’/from anything and neither from nothingness; some philosophical schools attribute the creation of universe to a past entity or from abstract fantasies of first issues or manifestation; despite views expressed in schools of philosophy and mythology, the first tiny particle was not created; therefore, we cannot infer where it came from; it came to existence by the will of Allah; not by creation; the creator of the skies and the Earth when decides to do something simply says ‘be’ and it comes into existence; this means to initiate something without using other things, exactly like life that did not come from anything else; it is only possible by saying ‘be’ and it comes to existence; Koran encourages people to do deep observation; the prophet ascended from Jerusalem to Me’raj/heaven; Allah: we wanted him to see our creation power; his eyes neither slid, not his perception afflicted with revolt nor his concentration faltered; Certainly, he witnessed the great power of his creator; whatever he observed were inscribed in his heart; he verified the falling of the mountains and the giant rocks of ice on the Planet Earth; the Planet Earth gradually turned cool and ponds of warm water appeared and Allah sent down mountains of ice rocks to the Earth; due to this fall of the ice, water and rain the Earth gradually cooled down and Allah sent water from the sky; appearance of glaciers turned igneous rocks to power; they moved to the ponds and oceans; wind and rain and deluge plowed the hard stones of the Earth, and ponds of warm water were filled up with stinking mud and sludge; organic material and chemical compounds prepared the initial bed tor the appearance of life; Amir al Momenin explains what happened after the initiation of the Planet Earth, quoted under the Hadith of initial appearance of life and the first being on the Earth: Allah created ambulating beings that moved like tiny living things which were scattered around like animals, busy eating; their multiplication was not based on male and female mating; light, daytime or night had no affect on them; the initial cells could multiply under dark and difficult conditions in the deep underground fissures of warm marches; they produced a colony; bacteria are the remnants of these ambulatory things; their reproduction is/was not based on different genders; light has/had no effect on their existence, but there is always a question: where did they come from; what was the source of their life; the swap condition and chemical compounds of first warm ponds have sparkled a lot of theories; scientists seek the origin of life in the primordial soup or prehistoric soups or fundamental soup or in the space between stars of galaxies; if existence and appearance of life is scientifically impossible; the puzzle of life has scientific and biological answer; it can be formed by the falling of ice mountains and the clashing of meteors into the underground cracks and the bed of the oceans and warm ponds.
End part 7